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Frequently Asked Questions

Chiropractic FAQ’s

Once I go to a chiropractor, will I always have to go?

Many people choose to continue visiting a Chiropractor after they experience the amazing value they get from Chiropractic care. Just like patients choose to use a Dentist their entire life or even choose to go to the gym when they are healthy. Patients continue to use Chiropractic care because they see the value of maintaining their health and quality of life.

Does a chiropractic adjustment hurt?

Adjustments are typically very comfortable and relieving. Adjustments are designed to remove pressure from jammed or misaligned joints that are often pinching and compressing the disc and nerve. The times where an adjustment is uncomfortable is when it already hurts to sit, stand, lay down and everything is uncomfortable at that point. But even these adjustments offer tremendous relief.

Can chiropractic cure everything?

Chiropractors can not cure everything, Chiropractic focuses on relieving compressed nerves, discs and joints. There are times where a compressed nerve is causing secondary issues like sciatica, which is pain and/or numbness down the leg. When this nerve pressure is removed the leg issues will resolve as well. This can also happen when nerve compression is causing issues to the organs and other parts of the body those nerves control. Though removing nerve compression is not a cure for every issue, it is essential to overall health and well being.

Why would I have my newborn or young child adjusted?

Newborns are evaluated and adjusted due to injuries that occurred during the birthing process. These injuries can come from normal deliveries but are highly common with c-sections, or births that use forceps to help the baby pass through the birth canal. Common issues we see are torticollis, trouble feeding, trouble sleeping, colic, and constipation. Newborns and children are adjusted very differently than adults and your Chiropractor should review any treatments with you before they are recommended or performed.

Can chiropractic help with colic and how?

Oftentimes babies with colic can not get comfortable, lay flat or arch their back backwards. This is due to jammed or misaligned joints in their upper back. This causes them to only want to be held upright and with a forward bend. Gentle Chiropractic adjustments will realign these joints removing the pressure and discomfort allowing the baby to relax. This will help them sleep, and feed much better.

Does insurance cover chiropractic visits?

Yes insurance companies do cover chiropractic visits. What is covered and how many visits vary depending on what plan you have.

How much does it cost?

Chiropractic care is extremely affordable, and offers incredible value. The cost of your care will depend on the severity of your complaint, and the goals you are looking to accomplish. Your Chiropractor will recommend a plan based on your needs to help you reach your goals.

Do I need a referral from my physician?

Chiropractors are primary care providers so you do not need a referral from your physician to see a Chiropractor. However HMO insurance plans do require a referral before your insurance plan will pay for your chiropractic care.

Do you work with medical doctors?

We co-manage with medical doctors on a regular basis to ensure patients get the best results. Co-management with medical doctors will depend on the patients needs and the severity of the issues we are helping them with.

Will I get adjusted on my first visit?

You are typically treated on the first visit with supplemental therapies to help reduce pain and discomfort. We do review your x-rays and exam findings to determine the best course of action for our care. We review this report with you on your 2nd visit to ensure all of your questions are answered and we have the best course of action to meet all of your goals. This when care will formally start and you will receive your first adjustment.

Will you suggest exercises or other things I can do?

We do recommend everything you need to fully correct your problem which will include exercises, stretching and care within our office. Our care is designed to help you get better, get healthy then to maintain the best level of health going forward.

Can someone who has had back surgery see a chiropractor?

Absolutely they can and should see a Chiropractor. A spinal surgery alters the way the joints and spine work going forward. This typically leads to increased wear and degeneration around the areas of the surgery. We do not directly treat the area that had been operated on. We do however work to ensure the surrounding areas are healthy and working properly to ensure no future surgeries are needed.

Pediatric Chiropractic

Why would I have my newborn or young child adjusted?

To ensure that their spine and joints are in the proper position and alignment. This is to ensure their newborn or child is healthy, happy and comfortable. This also ensures they are not growing and developing their body with any joint imbalances that will lead to more complicated issues later in life.

Can chiropractic help with colic and how?

Oftentimes babies with colic can not get comfortable, lay flat or arch their back backwards. This is due to jammed or misaligned joints in their upper back. This causes them to only want to be held upright and with a forward bend. Gentle Chiropractic adjustments will realign these joints removing the pressure and discomfort allowing the baby to relax. This will help them sleep, and feed much better.

How safe are adjustments on children?

Adjustments are safe and effective for people of all ages including children. Every adjustment is different because every patient is different. We will treat you and your children specifically based on your needs, and your size. These is not a one size fits all adjustment or treatment.

How old were your children when they received their first adjustment?

My children were adjusted within an hour of being born. Once they received all their check ups and they were handed off to us, they were right to skin on skin and breast feeding with momma. Then I checked their spines to ensure everything was in the correct alignment. Adjustments for newborns are extremely gentle and require light pressure in the correct position. There is no thrusting, with newborn adjustments, only gentle pressure on the misaligned joint until it releases back into place.

How often should my child be adjusted?

This depends on many factors and these factors include: their age, their health, if they are active with sports, do they have any new or old injuries. Every patient’s care is dependent on that patient’s needs and goals. There is not a one size fits all treatment for children or adults.

Pregnancy Chiropractic

How safe is an adjustment during pregnancy?

Adjustments are safe during pregnancy. Our techniques and procedures change for pregnant patients and continue to change throughout pregnancy. This allows us to offer the best and most specific care during pregnancy. Care is gentle and our tables allow you to lay comfortably while you are treated and adjusted in our office.

How often do I need to come in?

How often you come in for adjustments depend on how far along you are into your pregnancy, how healthy your spine is, and how well you are feeling and moving. Frequency ranges from weekly to multiple times per week. Once you have an assessment a recommendation will be made based on your needs.

Will you work with my ob/gyn?

Absolutely we work with ob/gyns in our area. Chiropractic is an extremely valuable care for patients during their pregnancy and we love working with other professionals to make sure you get the best care throughout your pregnancy.

Do I need a referral from my physician?

You do not need a referral from your physician to see a Chiropractor. Patients with HMO insurance plans do need a referral for their insurance to contribute to their visits.

Sports Chiropractic

How is sports chiropractic different from regular chiropractic?

Sports Chiropractic is not very different from regular Chiropractic care. Our Chiropractors evaluate every patient uniquely based on their complaints and their goals. Our recommendations to support your Chiropractic care is what will vary for athletes vs non athletes. We always recommend what is best to help your body heal completely and perform at its best.

Can regular care improve my golf game?

Patients who get regular Chiropractic care often share that they see great improvements in their golf game. They report more comfort when they swing, walk and perform. They report better flexibility and less fatigue as well. These factors lead to improved performance on the golf course as well as less injuries that prevent you from enjoying your time on the golf course.

Does chiropractic help with sprains? How?

When you sprain a joint it goes into spasm to lock and brace itself. It will often heal incorrectly leading to long term issues, uneven wear and tear and more injuries. We ensure the joint heals correctly, and in the correct position. We also work to rehab the area to regain its strength and flexibility back.

Why are so many professional athletes raving about chiropractors?

Professional athletes rely on their bodies being in peak health to perform at their best. They also put their body through tremendous stress throughout their career. Chiropractic helps them recover faster, maintain function and perform at their best.

Auto Accident Chiropractic

Does your office work with insurance companies?

We do work with nearly every insurance company.

Do you take x-rays?

We do take x-rays to ensure we are offering the correct care for our patients. X-rays are important because they not only confirm what we need to treat, but they also show us if there is something we should not treat.

How long does the initial appointment take?

First appointment typically takes about 45 minutes in our practice.

Do you bill insurance directly?

We do bill insurance directly, we also work with attorneys when a patient needs an attorney to represent them after an auto accident.

Do you recommend any treatments other than Chiropractic care and are these services offered in your clinic?

Our office also offers spinal decompression, electrical muscle stimulation, intersegmental traction, and multiple forms of light rehab to support the Chiropractic adjustments we offer in our practices.

What sort of injuries can happen in an accident?

Injuries from auto accidents range from mild to serious. Injuries we commonly see in our office are: whiplash, muscle sprain, ligament strain, misaligned joints, concussion, headaches, neck pain, back pain, pain down arms or legs.


Frequently Asked Questions at Farrar Family Chiropractic